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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2021 22:15:56 GMT
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Naturally, she's overreacting. She's always been a ticking time-bomb, but she's always been the protector. If anyone had ever been unkind and bullied her brother, she'd been the one to step in. She'd always been the one to step in.

And now he was dead, and she hadn't been there, and she hadn't been able to protect him like she had when they were kids.

So the only logical course of action for her to take is to channel her anger and her grief into some fucked up form of acceptance.


By putting her foot through 's door.

And once the door is open - or maybe it's reinforced so she's just bounced back really hard and given a solid, jarring, probably terrifying bang... she just stands there. Because she hasn't thought further than her own impulsive aggression. She had a million questions, and she'd heard plenty of rumors and truths and information surrounding the admin.

He was an avatar.

And an avatar is the reason her brother was dead.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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Cillian Quinn
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 1:08:52 GMT
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The door is metal. Locked, solid, and unyielding.

It does, however, radiate with a ringing crash as 's foot slams against it. The noise draws the attention of Gavin's assistant, who looks bewildered, as well as another agent scrolling through their phone in the lobby.

More importantly, it draws Gavin's attention, because the Sylveon dozing in his lap jumps up with a growl when the door is kicked. It hardly makes a sound through all the reinforcing and soundproofing that's been done to the room but the sensitive fairy-type hears what Gavin misses in his focus, and it's enough to make him check the camera.

He answers the door with brow furrowed, peering at a stranger over his glasses.

"Can I... help you?"

He'd specifically cleared his schedule for the day, with no intention of receiving visitors. If she's not meant to be here, why is she?
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she / her
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 2:33:04 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Pain lances up her heel all the way to the hollow space behind her kneecap. It sucks the breath right out of her lungs as her entire body vibrates from the impact. But she stands tall, shoulders back and face severe, barely masking her pain.

And the man on the other side of the door opens it to stare down at her. Somehow, that aggravates her even further. Maybe it's because he doesn't recognize her - not that he should. Frankly, he shouldn't, otherwise she was a terrible businesswoman in her line of work.

"Roman Cassel. Reshiram. Any of that ring a bell for you?"

She speaks quickly and with venom on her tongue. There is accusation in her words despite the liklihood that he has no idea what she's talking about. Something in her gut tells her that the man in front of her can't even help her. Roman would never have gotten himself involved in the underground, in Rocket, in experimentation or dirty hands.

But.. what if she was wrong?
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 2:56:10 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Though clearly in pain, she squares off without hesitation. He'd have had some respect for the balls if not for the fact he had no idea why she was accosting him.


Cassel was clearly a name but Reshiram sounded more like a Pokemon.

"No." Sharp, he adds, "Do you even know who I am?"

Or was she just looking to pick a fight with whoever would listen? A curious posture turns rigid, cautious. Gavin's Sylveon coils around his calves, baring his tiny fangs at their unwelcome guest.
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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 3:09:36 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Was this guy dense? How was he in a position of power if he had a thousand-yard stare?

"You're one of them."

Disgust, maybe, lines the edge of her sharp tone. Where he bites, she bites back harder. Fearless to a fault, arrogant and direct. She wanted answers and she would stop at nothing to find them.

"Gavin Merlino, the holier-than-thou patron of Lugia, I guess. I know who you are."


"My brother is dead because of people like you."

A guess.

"He put his faith in a deity and it got him killed."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 3:18:44 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
She knows his name, his patron.

Information she could've gathered from the news, he supposes, but her presence at his office on Rocket's submarine HQ suggests otherwise.

He scowls at her abrasive attitude.

"People like me?" He parrots her words with an arch of his brow. "The name Cassel means nothing to me. And unless it was Lugia herself who struck your brother down, we had nothing to do with it."

Her eyes gleam deep red from a window into the ocean's abyss.

"You snap at the wrong person on this vessel and you'll follow your brother to the grave."

He states it not as a threat, but fact.
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 3:26:34 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
She's done her research. She's done everything in her limited power to find him.

But there was plenty more out of her reach. There was an entire universe of possibility and power that she had never had access to. Power that she had been afraid of understanding, and so she'd turned the other cheek.

And in doing so, had lost her brother.

"It should mean something to you. Someone murdered him- and I believe he was an avatar like you, like the others."

Her grief is thinly-veiled as she struggles to keep her voice in check. Her attitude remains the same, but it trembles now as she stands opposed.

"If you weren't involved, that means you might be next."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
unhinged [s]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 22:25:35 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Though he doesn't relax the rigidity of his posture, the sharpness of his stare abates upon witnessing 's thinly-disguised grief. He would move mountains for those he cared about, kick over any stone in his way, so he can hardly fault her determination.

"I wasn't involved," he reiterates, still firm but less cold. "But I think you might be right."

It had been chaos, at the Star Soiree, but he remembers the searing flash of an assassin's attack as it narrowly missed its mark. There had been a horrible scream, as well, though he didn't have enough information to know it was from the Moltres that had been struck.

Gavin gestures into his office and steps back inside.

"Come in. Maybe we have something to talk about after all."

Lugia's unnerving presence is a discomfiting pressure over the room that he seems not to notice as he takes his seat, the Sylveon reclaiming its position in his lap as its small tail flicks back and forth.

"Have you heard about what happened at the Mossdeep Soiree?"
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 1:39:48 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
She can see the change in his expression, and for that she smiles- but the nature of it is wicked, sarcastic. She scoffs and shakes her head, shoulders rolling as she fights for control of her fists.

"I am right, thank you very much."

She is mean because she has to be, because meanness in this world is the only way to survive.

Fortunately, he invites her inside. Which is good, because she was likely to pick a fight or cause a scene if he hadn't. He's saving himself time and energy in removing her from his sight.

And miraculously, the Lugia on the other side of the thick metals walls is the only thing able to humble her. Not that she realizes, yet, that it's even there.

"Good, great, fanastic. Finally, someone is fucking listening to me."

She plunks herself down on one of his fancy seats and leans back. There is nothing lady-like in her display, and she surveys his room briefly before returning her gaze to Gavin.

"Do you know what happened at the Mossdeep Soiree? Because no one wants to talk about it and no one seems to know what's going on at all. The entire world is working to keep this all a secret from me, and I'm done."

She leans forward, elbows on her knees.

"So tell me, for the love of Arceus, what the fuck is going on in Hoenn."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 4:46:11 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Rocket is full of abrasive personalities; Gavin allows hers to crash against the wall that was his patience, ignoring the barbed edges to her smile and her words. They weren't important.

"I was there," he says of the Soiree, "but there's good reason the stories are all mixed up. Some weird mist bullshit was fucking with our heads, making everyone see things that weren't really there. Except it all felt real, at the time."

He remembers the crippling feeling of loneliness and despair with a heaviness in his chest.

"Here's what I can tell you: when I got pulled out of the mist, someone tried to kill me. They were using Unown. Have you ever seen one?"

He's kept them close ever since, lets the one that forms itself into a question mark out from its pokeball to hover above his desk. Its large eye is unblinking, eerie, but the psychic-type seems docile.

"I wasn't the only one who was attacked. They were targeting avatars, like you said. I don't know where they came from, and I don't know why. But if your brother was at the Soiree, they might've been responsible."
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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 16, 2021 2:56:06 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
She is rapidly losing patience, so caught up in her own head and in impossible scenarios. The edges of his smile are dangerous- because he isn't smiling. As barbed her tongue might be, it is returned tenfold back onto her. He is an impossible obstacle, a wall she cannot breach the surface of.

But she will. She has to.

"Yeah, or you're all lying to protect yourselves. What did you see, huh? What did you see that you're all keeping so fucking tight-lipped about?"

Her composure, however thin it had already been, is cracking. She's unhinged, raw, emotional, a ticking time bomb.

Thankfully, Gavin relents just enough to tell her something. It stills her raging waters just long enough for her to take a gasping breath, to keep on fighting. The current subsides, she is alive.

"They're called Unown for a reason, right? 'Course I haven't seen one before."

But now she is intrigued. Her attention shifts to see the one that he releases. It is downright creepy with its single wide eyeball staring back at her. But that thing, it was so small, how could it possibly have been a threat? Pokemon were weapons, she was coming to realize.

"He wasn't at the soiree. He was a ranger who went missing a few months ago. No one will tell me anything because apparently they don't know anything. But I've heard them mention that Reshiram was there. It has to mean something."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2021 1:19:19 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"If you want my cooperation, I suggest you rein it in."

He fixes her with a sharp look before continuing,

"From what I understand, each person saw something different. What I saw was deeply personal to me and likely irrelevant to any other; that's why most won't want to talk, I imagine. I don't think it was relevant to the assassinations beyond being a good way way to distract and disorient their intended victims."

He doesn't tell her what he saw, because she doesn't deserve that information. His greatest fears, his deepest desires, are his and his alone.

The Unown hovers, unchanging under observation.

"They're rare, but not on par with legends. I don't know your life experiences." Some people had several of them. Gavin only has two. "Not all of them were hostile. This one helped me navigate the mist."

It offers its strange cry in response.

Gavin's brow furrows.

"That name," he says, "Reshiram. Is that a Pokemon?"

If it is, he's never heard of it.
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she / her
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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2021 0:18:32 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
And just like that, the world doesn't feel like it's closing in on her so tight. The room around her stops squeezing the breath from her lungs, the light in his eyes doesn't absorb every spare crumb of strength she still has left.


His sharp stare is piercing, grounding, and she relents in her verbal assault to take a minute and just breathe. She leans back in her chair, rubs the space above her eyepatch with ferocity before exhaling.

And then she listens.

What she hears, at first, through frustration and grief, is excuses. But what she sees, for the first time in a long time, is the truth. Only once does she glance back at the Unown, only because he mentions their rarity. It sparks in her, down the line, an opportunity to pursue these Unowns later on.

"Why do you think it did that? You're telling me that you have no suspicion behind its 'kindness'? It's a Pokemon, not
a human being with empathy and emotion."

The fact it 'speaks' is even more cause for being unsettled.

Remi glances up, finding his gaze once more.

"Yes. It is a dragon deity from Unova. My-- we were.. deeply invested in legendary Pokemon who shared typing with dragons."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2021 3:52:26 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's brow arches with her words.

"You think Pokemon incapable of such things?"

Once, Gavin might have agreed with her. His parents had taught him as much and Rocket had reinforced those lessons with a mantra still echoed in their actions to date: all Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket.

Tools, nothing more.

But his partnership with Lugia has changed him. Beyond the window, her haunting song echoes and the pressure in the room intensifies. Even he feels it, now, though it's more a comfort than a concern for him.

"I can't speak for Unown," he says, careful, "and I don't know this one's motivations, but Pokemon are far more intelligent than many give them credit for."

He cants his head. A dragon?

"Do you know what it looked like?"

He's seen a few strange creatures to which he can't assign names.

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Remi Cassel
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POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 22:57:27 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Well.. no, but I don't think these Pokemon are capable of such things. I mean look at it, man, it's a fucking letter with an eyeball."

She gestures, exasperated, to the floating Unown.

But her own Pokemon had feelings, and wants, and preferences. They were capable of communication to some degree, albeit terribly, and she could rely on them to follow instruction and understand what she was saying. Most of the time.

Training with the rangers had shown to her the capability of many Pokemon, so this whole 'Pokemon exist as tools for Rocket' was a bit of a stretch to her. Pokemon had their own agenda, always.

"That isn't what I said, pal. Keep up."

She frowns, frustrated, but realizing now that that is exactly what she had said. With another wave of her hand, she attempts to rectify her statement.

"But if you're telling me that one of my bears wouldn't stick his paw in a Vespiquen's honey comb hive or whatever for a shot at the good stuff, you're dead wrong. There's about 10 brain cells in that bastard. He'd absolutely risk his life for a taste."

And there it is, Gavin's attention snaps to something far more important than just arguing about the intelligence levels of Pokemon. She smirks, though the gesture is weak given the context.

"Yeah. Big, white, breathes fire. Looks a bit like a pompous prince."
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